About the artist

Danielle Creme is an Israeli-British portrait and figurative artist working mainly with oil on canvas, and in stone. She is drawn to the struggles of the human condition and the search for identity and community, and in her art, she explores the dissonance of who we really are and what we present as a result of societal pressures and expectation, and the psychological toll it takes. This ever-present ambivalence which creates such duality in ourselves and society is the main topic of Creme's work.

"There is something about art which allows one to be completely naked, in the sense that there are no barriers between your true self and the world. It gives you opportunity and licence to explore your deepest fears and insecurities", she says, and continues: "It is a very visceral way of communicating abstract thoughts and emotions. It allows you to be intimate and vulnerable and to share these moments with others, to open up a dialogue with them through image."

Through her art Danielle Creme seeks to increase awareness of social and political topics, and how they influence the individual and communities. Using portraiture and figurative expression to allow for the most accessible form of recognition she aims to cultivates empathy and understanding, essentially offering a platform for human connection in the places where it has been broken or compromised.